Ready for Your King?
Kingdom Marriage Catalysts
Jonathan and Claudia Phillips
For Singles
For Wives
For Men
Love is the fabric of the Cosmos
Union is the Ultimate Reality.
Are you a woman who is deeply devotional by nature?
Do you long for a man who can meet you in the fullness of your feminine expression?
Did you spend years (or decades) of your life, prioritizing money or career, and there is nothing that you long for more than a beautiful, lasting Union, maybe a family?
Do you feel like Sacred Union is part of what your soul came here to live on this planet?
Are you coming to know yourself as an embodied feminine woman, for maybe the first time ever, and desire to taste the ecstasy of what it feels like to be fully claimed, cherished, and chosen, by your masculine counterpart?
If so, we’ve got you covered!
About Jonathan and Claudia
Jonathan and Claudia Phillips are a true Renaissance couple, devoted to bringing men and women back together in true Union on this planet, in a time when there has never been more strife and division between the sexes.
They weave their 40+ combined years of initiatory experience in the mystical Christian and Tantric lineages, to support women and men enter into ecstatic, everlasting Union with their beloveds, and turn their love lives into a living, breathing Divine Fairytale.
They live in New Orleans, Louisiana with their beloved Siberian husky, but their hearts will forever remain in their adopted city of Florence, Italy.
They are big advocates of marriage, and they believe it was God’s best idea.
Ready to embody your radiant femininity, heal your relationship with the Masculine, and call in your King?
Begin here…
Rebirth your whole, full womanhood.
Our monthly membership is devoted to exploring all things feminine embodiment, somatic healing, dating & courtship, restoring your relationship with men and the Masculine, and rebirthing your radiant femininity.
If you long for a place to deepen into your multidimensional feminine expression, be held in sisterhood, and receive monthly support, this is the place to be.
In this 3-hour masterclass, Claudia dives into the 4 hidden blocks that may be keeping you "invisible" to the men you desire to attract in your life, how to stop collapsing in the presence of masculine men, how to heal your feminine nervous system to unlock next-level magnetism, the 3 things that men need from you to perceive you as "wife material”…
And how to be THAT woman who inspires lifelong devotion and commitment from her man (without manipulation, games, or control).
Are you a woman who is desiring to call in extraordinary, everlasting love with your divine counterpart?
The King’s Road is our most streamlined and comprehensive program, to release patterns that no longer serve you in love, to embody your radiant femininity, re-templatize your relationship with the Masculine, and call in your King.
This is our signature program that has helped many of our clients get engaged within a year.