The King’s Road


Are you a woman who is deeply desiring a passionate, polarized Union with your masculine counterpart… one that lasts a lifetime? 

Have you been putting yourself out there, only to be met by a disappointing hamster wheel of dead end connections, first dates that go nowhere, men who don't initiate, or maybe they DO but it's NOT the kind of attention you have been looking for? 

Or maybe... 

You've spent the past few years "working on yourself" or reading books about relationships and feminine energy, but when you find that it's time to make yourself available to be FOUND, a part of you clams up, gets cold feet, and decides, maybe tomorrow / next week / next year (aka never)... 

Or maybe... 

You start connecting with some great men, some QUALITY men, things start moving in a great direction, and then...something...happens...where you constrict, you contract, you start feeling desperate and needy, or maybe HE starts pulling away, and you cannot for the life of you seem to break this pattern... 

Or maybe... 

You're just at the point in your life where you've done the career, you've got the accolades, you've achieved many of your goals, and you know that the next step is to call in the sacred marriage you have been dreaming of and start a family... 

If so, I want to share with you something that my husband and I have cooking up over in our corner of the world... 

It's called... 

The King's Road: A Heroine's Journey to Divine Love 

In this 12- week container, we walk you through the exact steps our clients take to call in a divine partnership or a sacred marriage within 3-6 months... 

This is our signature offering that leaves no stone unturned... 

In it we show you how to...

  • Embody your most radiant, magnetic (and most importantly, authentic) feminine self that is naturally alluring, that invites high value men into your sphere like bees to honey, and inspires the very best out of the men you date 

  • Heal your relationship with men and the Masculine, so you stop attracting emotionally unavailable men, effeminate men, narcissists, or men you wouldn't want to touch with a ten foot pole (or maybe you want to but shouldn't!!! ;))  

  • How to attract and discern "King energy" within a man, what to look for in your suitors, how to vet a man for husband material, and how to choose a man for life (even if you're afraid you have a "broken picker")  

  • How to navigate the Wild West that is online dating, and how to make the apps work for you, by crafting a profile that draws in the right men while repelling the wrong ones  

  • How to get asked out wherever you go and meet men organically, so you don't have to depend on the apps if you don't want to  

  • How to go from first connection to first date to second date and beyond, by embodying your feminine warmth and mystery that makes you positively fascinating and naturally inspires him to come back for more  

  • How to heal your nervous system and attachment wounding, so your wounded inner child and your destructive saboteur no longer take the wheel and drive you off the road and into the ditch  

  • How to draw in a steady stream of high quality suitors that you get to pick from, and call in you King within 3-6 months while having the time of your life being the belle of the ball

  • How to tap into the power of your feminine gifts, to inspire chivalry in the men you meet

  • How to master feminine communication, so you can express your needs and desires in a way that inspires (instead of pushing him away)

  • How to thrive in a sacred union with your divine husband, for life!

I know, it’s a big promise…

But our client results speak for themselves... 

The majority of our clients find their Kings within 3-6 months (occasionally 9, if there's more work to be done), but we are confident that if you do the work, you will get there.

What the King's Road consists of:

  • 12 Group Coaching Calls with Claudia and/or Jonathan over a period of 3 months

  • 10 Weeks of Online Training Videos that take you step by step through everything you need to go from single to courted to claimed in 3-6 months

  • Weekly Embodiment Practices / Meditations for to embody your natural feminine magnetism, align with a higher caliber of man, and radiate queen energy on your journey to find your beloved

  • One-on-one Support to craft your magnetic online profile, that draws in the right suitors and repels the wrong ones

  • FB Support Group to ask questions throughout the 3-month journey

We can't wait to support you to call in your King! 

All our love,

Claudia and Jonathan 

What our clients are saying…

The energetic work you did was so precise to what I needed. I am now engaged to someone with the full on King energy! He's just so into me and it's so much fun.” – Quiana, USA

What if the man of your dreams is right under your nose? I’ve been thinking how crazy it was that mine slipped in under my radar. I mean, I could tell he was a high-quality man but I didn’t see that he was MY King at first. Maybe because he didn’t trigger my nervous system into collapse. But the more time I spent with him I realized the thought of a future with him seemed so delightful, and so many shared dreams and values. Then, little by little, after a year and a half of being friends, I finally saw him for MY King. Turns out that for me love is not the crazy rush and chase I was accustomed to, where I felt I had to win someone over. This is much more and I have never felt so whole. The work done in Claudia and Jonathan’s container was so valuable for my growth to recognize this. I post this as an update and a thank you. ” – Anna, USA

“I'm having the best time falling in love with the divine masculine. I love men! I'm being courted by a wealthy doctor, who's attentive and caring. We have amazing conversations! And I just met a photographer, with whom I shared that amazing creative spark of collaboration." – Nicole, USA

"Just arrived in Ericeira, Portugal two days ago. Was feeling a bit funny, because I know nobody here. Decided to put on the King’s energetics and Honeypot meditation as I sat on the beach. 20 minutes later I am approached by a a wonderful gentleman - he buys us a bottle of wine and pays for everything I’d ordered prior to his arrival. We go to dinner, he tells me I can order whatever I want we have scallops, octopus, so many starters, port wine and deserts.

He is SUCH a gentleman, making me feel safe and provided for the he evening. We had the most fun and now he’s inviting me on trips around the area Would have NOT received this delightful energetic match to my reality had it not been for the energy work of both of you! Eternally grateful y’all are magicians and I hope you know that!"

– Anna, The Netherlands

“We are set to marry 4/24/24 in Costa Rica! I’m so glad I took the step to join your coaching. We had been together for years and I was losing hope of marriage. Thanks for all you do!”

– Heather, USA

"Since working with you I have shifted my perspective to scan for the goodness in men – their chivalrous nature, their provision, their protection. I see it all the time and it fills me with so much hop and joy!"

– Abbie, UK